I am afraid we have been through the mill, and so I have become rather cynical of teachers over the first 5 years of little'uns school career. Anyhow, sorry if you've heard it all before, but here is just the latest chapter in a long saga:

We went to the school to complain about serious bullying - the meeting took an almost immediate right turn into discussions about little'uns "problems". We left with no bullying resolved but with a request from the school that we engage a Clinical Psychologist to rule out Autism or ADHD. Luckily we had already been looked after by an EP who went semi-ballistic when we contacted her. The real problem is that the school either can't cope or doesn't want to cope with a child with an active alert mind who is desperate to contribute, out of boredom maybe - they want little compliant soldiers who sit quiet, have no vivacity, don't contribute. The school would rather rubbish my son than tackle a serious issue (Still unresolved by the way)

Anyhow, be aware that, in my humble opinion informed only by bitter painful experience, some teaching "professionals" (sic) are more happy to point the finger at your child regardless of how harmful or hurtful this is than to do the professional thing or what most of us would consider the right thing.

that's the end of my rant - I hope it helps

Last edited by Raddy; 08/29/10 12:43 AM.