Hmmm...I am honestly not sure what flavor of gifted he is. He's the kind of kid that strangers meet and say "Wow. You know he's really smart, right?" (We have far-out gifted in the family, so it's certainly possible.) He goes to private school and has never had a standardized test and has never been compared to his peers, so I have no gauge that way. No 2E issues.

School is a mixed bag. He goes to an academically rigorous school and has always done well with little to no effort. The issues lie in motivation and self-confidence. He had less-than-supportive teachers in Kindy and 1st grade and never learned to groove on learning or think highly of himself in school. (His 2nd grade teacher was much, much better.) He would prefer not to go to school at all.

I want to get him tested for my own information, to begin to clarify what we're dealing with here so that I can get him the best kind of school environment and enrichment for him.