Living in NYC I have very mixed views. On the one hand, I was the gifted 2e in a class of 44 (which just dates me, before class sizes were mandated) so I have a real horror of my kid being in a gifted pullout, or a gifted class with a 90% cut off. And i know the joy of getting to that specialized HS and finally being with my people. (interesting how there no one expects all to be equally bright but somehow when talking about 5 yr olds can't make that distinction). But on the other hand I get why parents fight so hard, the resource allocation stinks! So it makes it much easier to say why not my kid, my kid needs it too, or that kid doesn't. But I completely agree, the nastiness is so uncalled for, especially from someone who had choices! It just made my day to see the outcry even as I hate the need for it!!!

But I have to admit, just like many of the posters said, it's all about experiences. I hhought my kid would be bright, but i didn't expect this - who would! Until you have it, you don't get it. I was reading the unschooling post and just died LOL when one described their version and mentioned,

And I've asked that he contribute a certain amount to the planning -- locations and species to focus on -- and that he get that to me by March at the latest so I can figure out our schedule (some things are seasonal - I don't want to hear in September that he wishes we could have volunteered at the turtle sanctuary during breeding season!).

I could see myself saying that!!! Its just as crazy as will you stop reading that book and go to the bathroom!!' So maybe I could be charitable and say they just don't get it, but, then I just get depressed because that would make it hopeless and I refused to go there, instead I am cheered by the fighters!!!