We are struggling with the same dilemma with ADHD meds right now. DD7 had an appointment today with her pediatrician and we had this same discussion.... moderate response to meds (less fidgeting, climbing over things, talking incessantly, slightly better focus at school) vs extreme emotional mood swings (lack of coping with her perfectionism, screaming rages, out of context anger). In her case, we noticed the difference when we increased her med dosage last November. She was on 15mg of Biphentin but was outgrowing the dose and her teacher suggested that the meds were not effective enough. Since she has been on the increased dose, things have been tough. We gave it a few months to see if her moods would even out and they did... a little bit. I am just not convinced that there was enough of a beneficial effect to outweigh the negative, though.

So now we are back down to 15 mg and if this doesn't work we will try a different med. Her ped is so sweet and reassuring and said that every kid is different and every med works differently in each kid. We just have to do some trial and error to see what works best for her.

Good luck with your son and I wish you patience!!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery