A single thread or even a series of threads on a board is not representative of all people on said board. It's possible that you could still find people to interact with there by searching for threads that are not so off putting to you.

It's possible to like a person and even respect them without agreeing with them. If you still find that hard, you need to find a specific niche group where everyone will agree with you (ala the ivory towers you've disparaged).

Either way an interest group that fits you may be a good place to start. There are plenty of organizations out there where you can work on projects with people who share an interest with you in X. By having a common interest, you have a starting place for exchanging information. The interest group that my DH, DD and I are involved in is very accepting of different ideas and different types of people (many of whom are highly intelligent). That makes it easy for a new person to join and have fun, however it also means that new people are expected to be open to others who may not share their philosophies or views.

Really, I'm not trying to attack you. (Just in case you're wondering.) This isn't really about you. It's the same advice I'd give to anyone and, in fact, have given to others. You can't "find your people" if the people around you don't get your jokes. There has to be something in common to joke about for them to get your jokes.