Does anyone know if there are discrepancies on the SCANTRON and ITBS tests between say Analytical and Verbal scores, is that indicative of a problem like it is on the WISC IV?

To me, recalling my measurments and evaluations classes, it seems it would be as we would expect the predictive reliability between those tests to be high and the predictive reliability between subtests on any given measurement to be high. So.....

I ask because Mite's SCANTRONS showed a huge discrepancy in those scores. my WAIS from years ago showed a similar discrepancy. DH14 (almost 15, but I'm holding out:) has a 30 pt discrepancy on his SCANTRONs.

The district says the SCANTRON test isn't like the WISC IV, but I contend, and remember that the test is an achievement test from which we should be able to reliable predict performance on an abilities test.

I'm rambling. what's your take??

Willa Gayle