We ran into the same issue of good intentions. DS8 used EPGY online in class last year, the problem was that it was used rarely. If given the chance of working on something else withe the class DS8 would do the class project. At times he would be on-line less then once a week. When I would address it, things would pick up, but go back to very little work rather quickly. I am hopeful for next year but not sure of what to do. More then likly they will place him in 5th garde math. I have actually held back this summer, almost no math. he is at 5.85 on EPGY. We could complete 5th on EPGY and ask for just EPGY 6th, the school would allow it, but agian would they follow through. I could also ask that he go to Middle school for 6th but they may fight that one, it would take some effort, timming and transportation (We are willing to provide). I guess we will just see and adjust, the good thing is that they are trying to work with him. I can't understand why so many schools fight finding the right fit for the student.