I'm on the lookout for hands-on educational materials that are toddler-friendly (no obvious choking hazards, not too many parts that could get lost, etc.), but suitable for children whose skills are well beyond the toddler stage. The academic level could be anywhere from pre-K to middle school. Not that my toddler is anywhere near that advanced, but he has a knack for getting his hands on everything his older siblings are using.

I'm especially interested in coming up with some basic math manipulatives, such as base 10 material and colored rods. Ideally, these would be similar in configuration to the Montessori materials, which my older ones have used at school. I've considered using Duplo, but it isn't quite the right shape (and besides, it would just get broken up and turned into spaceships).

One idea that came to mind was to make small crocheted or cloth balls that could be sewn or velcroed together. I think this would be cute and fun, though it would also be a lot of work. If you can think of anything easier -- maybe something ready-made that could be adapted? -- I'm all ears. smile

I'd also appreciate any suggestions for reusable plastic sleeves that could be used to protect items we're currently using, such as charts, maps, and cards. They'd need to be much sturdier than a standard page protector, and come in a range of sizes. So far, the best options seem to be rigid ID badge holders and restaurant menu covers, but maybe I'm missing something obvious. (We do have a laminator, but I'd rather not put a permanent layer of plastic on things we're only using briefly.)

Ideas would be much appreciated!

Last edited by LighthouseKeeper; 08/09/10 09:26 PM. Reason: hit post button by accident