Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Sometimes "thank you" won't do, though. Anyone have a good solution for this recurring embarrassment?

Someone - on the occasions that come to my mind it's often a taxi driver, think someone who is just making conversation - asks what you do, or some other innocuous question, and when you tell them, gushes exaggerately "oh, you must be SO clever" or similar. You respond...?

"Thank you" won't do (at least in my culture I don't think it'll do!) because it constitutes an admission that one is, in fact, clever.

Giving a nuanced responses (I'd be unhappy using more than, say, 5 words in this situation) is opening up a conversation I don't typically want to feel obliged to have.

In this kind of situation, how about just saying, "It's a nice job".

As for the kids learning how to respond to compliments, we're still working on this with GS11. He also still needs work on proper greetings in non-casual settings. We're lucky to have a number of older friends who happily cooperate practicing these things with him.

It's strange, GS11 can go on and on about some of his accomplishments when he's caught up in the thrill of doing it. But if an adult compliments him first, he looks like a deer in the headlights.