A while back I downloaded & read through the DYS application, just for fun. I don't know if DD will ever have test scores that would qualify; she is only 4 and has never been tested. But one thing has been plaguing me since then, and I'm finally going to ask:

Can anyone really say that their child "never demonstrated or threatened violence, harm, or other behavior that is grossly inappropriate toward any other person"???

Are there children who never have hit or bitten another person, not even as toddlers? Really? I just keep thinking, well, even though my DD's behaviors are less violent than several of her (seemingly normal, generally sweet) little friends, perhaps her actions really are so far from normal that she will really never be able to join groups such as the YSP. Sigh. I mean, even if she weren't going through an awful hitting-her-parents-when-she's-angry phase, would the fact that she bit another toddler who stuck his finger in her mouth at daycare when she was one year old really disqualify her?