Thank you all for your replies. Sorry it has taken me so long to thank you! Work is crazy busy and I try to stay off of the computer as much as possible at home, especially in forums such as this where I discuss dd.

I have decided we will re-test. I don't know if she will/will not qualify for DYS; however, it is definitely possible. I would like to have as many options open to us as possible and as much support as we can get. She is now 10, it's been 4 years since her first testing. Since she tested as gifted, but not highly/profoundly, the first time.

She is advanced in most academic areas When I say problems with schooling, the problem is with schooling, not with learning. She is resistant to writing, but her writing, when she does write, can be beautiful and very well done (punctuation, spelling, etc..). We are homeschooling this year, thankfully. Her previous teachers have all said she *struggles* with math, but when I started letting her self-teach through an online program, she is now doing very well. Her performance at brick-and-mortar schools has been very different than at home.

We had considered full testing, but it is not covered by insurance and it is very expensive. It is possible that there is another issue along with her ADHD, but right now neither her psychologist-therapist or psychiatrist think that is related to ASD or asperger's, which has been brought up before.

Thanks again, for all the information - it was so helpful to hear others' experiences.
