When my son left K and we started homeschooling, I had lots of ideas and lots of advice in my pocket. Much of it concerned not letting him tear through subjects at the speed of light....

One year later, my son is about to enter a math and science magnet school as a 7th grader. Going wide didn't work, going deep didn't work, nothing worked! He seems to have one speed when it comes to learning, fast!

While it sounds good in theory to have your child do all sorts of activities to slow the pace, it will depend entirely on your child. Finishing high school early doesn't mean they have to go off somewhere, there are always options. My DS is studying the stock market now and working at odd jobs to earn enough money to start a portfolio. So maybe the "tween" years will be spent on making money, who knows?

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!