MegMeg -- Good points. I guess what I was trying to say is not who has it worse, but that verbally gifted adults can have it better than verbally gifted kids.

Taminy -- I'm so sorry to hear about your experiences. For a variety of reasons, I've been spared the bad boss so far, but I've seen it happen to both my parents in rather drastic ways and to dh to a lesser extent. I think it has less to do with a certain type of giftedness than it does with being extremely competent and having an insecure boss. frown

Would you consider doing a *stint* of admin? I didn't want to do it either until I accidently found myself in a hugely admin position... and discovered, hey, it wasn't half bad, I was good at it, and you get to play a lot of mental chess/do a lot of strategy, solve and avoid problems, etc., etc. There are some front line aspects you miss, but then there's all this new stuff that you get to do... it kind of evens out, especially if you know it's not forever.