Stumbled on this today, and it kind of made me laugh...

Many gifted people consult a professional because they have difficulty deciding what to do with and in their lives. The traditional approach is to do what you are good at. But what if you are good at many things and don't want to miss out on exploring as many of them as possible? What if you don't think you are good enough at anything? What if you feel immobilised by the thought of not picking the "right" career? What if you feel that your life should have meaning and want a vocation and not simply a job? What if you are scared by the thought that no job will provide the stimulation, challenge and new learning that you crave? What if��..?


All this time, I thought I was pathologically indecisive. Turns out I'm just gifted. wink

Kidding aside, like many of you, doing all this research and thinking about things for dd has got me thinking about my own upbringing, and that's got me feeling a little upended. crazy