Originally Posted by http://www.learningbooks.net/Dolch_at_poem.html
I Can't Draw an AT

� Betsy B. Lee, 2003

Can you draw an at?
I can draw a hat.

I can draw a cat.
I just can't draw an at.

Can you draw meanings of here and there?
Dolch words like these are seen everywhere.

It makes reading much more fun
To learn these service words in grade one.

I read this online and thought it was funny. I only clipped part of the poem. Warning- boring drivel ahead. I'm guessing you're asking about spontaneous sight reading, but "dolche sight words" is a list of like 250 of the most commonly used English words. Sight readers are usually great at reading and spelling the bigger more interesting words, but usually need to practice with the little common sight words. (doesn't everybody spell can "cna"?
There's a sight-words list on this page under the resources link:

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar