My 3 year old has been recently dx'd as highly gifted and having multiple sensory integration issues. I really want to do everything I can to help him so that he can function in life more comfortablly. I plan to begin sensory integration therapy with him as soon as they can find time on the schedule for us. Is therapy really beneficial? Have the parents who have been through this seen a difference in their chidlren?

Also, what kinds of things can be done at home to help him with his sensory issues which include sensitivities to light, sound, texture, motion and position and are all gross motor lags?

Any advise for helping him feel more comfortable around other children? He is constantly afraid they are going to tag him or yell too loud and it makes it that much harder for him to connect with them which is already a bit hard since he perfers different kind of play then they do and avoids swings, slides (although he'll climb up them) and climbing is tough for him.

Any related advise is greatly appreciated. I'm very new to this and REALLY want to learn all I can from those who have been through it.

Thank you,