I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the advocate board, but here goes. I want to know, if anyone has any idea, exactly what gets put in the IEP. Right now, my son's IEP contains mostly stuff about his writing. Everything else he is getting is not in the IEP. I feel it should be. These are the things that they did that worked last year that I want to add:

1. If a new class is too much for him, start him at 10 minutes the first week, and add 10 minutes each additional week until he's there the entire time. That gives him a month to adjust.

2. He gets a snack mid-morning. HIs teachers last year would sometimes put him off and never give him his snack.

3. Break areas (even a separate desk) with an egg-timer so he can have five-ten minute breaks.

Does anyone else have any ideas for AS children? Is this acceptable to put into IEPs?

Last edited by Artana; 07/19/10 05:48 AM.