
There is a girl that the principal of the middle school keeps talking about (though she's graduated) as the most "gifted" student. While I really like the young lady, she did not score into "gifted" (130) on IQ test but is an extremely hard worker, pleasant, well-behaved. She progressed through Alg 2 in middle school (I think it was helped by mom being the math teacher and the girl spent 2 hrs after school every day doing additional math).

In my mind, it worries me that an educator/administrator is so confused about the profile of a real "gifted" kid. My kids WON'T work 2 extra hrs a day on math (or anything). They're hard workers but on their on terms (only if the project is engaging to them). They can be naughty or slightly disruptive (nothing serious), and usually they want to skip school if there is it's boring boring boring. Don't these contradict those school's skipping requirements?