Thanks! I just thought it was odd that the teacher would have a problem with her doing the work in before care. She is overly sensitive, but it really upset her when he said that to her. frown

She chose the class herself (it is not the one I would have picked!) and ancient history is a great love of hers. She is really enjoying the class itself, just finds the homework to be too much at the end of a very long day.

I am wondering if there is any way to know in the future which classes have homework and which do not. Or maybe it just all depends on that year's instructor. It's good to know that the overnight camps don't have homework! We're not there yet, but we have several locations close-ish to us and I was thinking that she would really enjoy them.

Last edited by BethG; 07/12/10 11:03 AM.

Mom to DD9 and DD3