One more thought while I am on a posting spree!

Does your school do any type of test prep for the CogAT?

One of our local schools that has a rather unusual # of kids ided as gifted, IMHO, starts a GT pull out in early elementary (1st) with the higher achieving kids getting enrichment. The enrichment consists of a lot of critical thinking activities that look an awful lot like the types of questions on the CogAT and OLSAT. All of the kids are then tested on the CogAT around 2nd-3rd grade and the kids who've been doing the enrichment classes for a year or two almost always qualify on one of the subtests of the CogAT. (They need a 95th percentile on any subtest). If not, they take the OLSAT and often make it in on that. If not, they may retest on one or the other each year until they do.

These types of practices create situations where scores can come out inflated. If there was nothing like this going on, how about the reverse? Was she ill when she took the WISC? Did she have good rapport with the tester? How experienced with gifted kids was the test administrator?