Originally Posted by Dottie
... If you look at achievement prediction tables for GT scores, the expected achievement is always lower. For example, the typical 130 kid will probably only achieve in the 120-125 range. I initially thought this went both ways. That if your kid scored 122 for achievement, you could presume he was gifted (130)...
I was going to aid in taking the thread OT as I do sometimes wink and ask about the reverse, but I see that you've already gotten to that:
Likewise, if his IQ tests at 130 and his achievement is 150, his IQ is probably an underestimate...
This is exactly why I've always felt that my dd11's MG IQ scores were likely an underestimation. She's consistently scored quite high on achievement tests (well beyond what would be needed to be in the 99th percentile for her grade and she is 1-2+ yrs younger than her grade mates with a skip and a fall bd.)