My DS5 has expressive language disorder (2E); so I figured that almost every other gifted kid spoke really well and was able to convey their thoughts easily, since being verbally precocious is part of their great stuff. Unfortunately this is something my DS struggles with, obviously. May I ask which of this forum's GT (non-2E or 2E) kids struggle with this? This is a heartfelt question; so please don't take it in any way negatively. I am interested in seeing if these kids have a hard time at a certain age, if these types are more VSL or not, do they fit into some specific grouping? I am just trying to learn and apply to help my DS along the way. Thank you! June, I apologize to you. I am not trying to steal your thread; but I would like to hear answers to your question as well as which GT kids really struggle with this. I am trying to make piece things together for my DS. Great question! Thanks.

Mom to DS6