Well she is doing a lot lot better now.
she was trying to be older then she is and that scared her she told me one night that she was scared she was growing up and that she thinks she would just like to stay a kid for a while longer..
i basicly told her she was in luck because she IS still a very young child and that she still had many many years to just be a kid and that even when you do grow into an adult you can still choose to play and act like a kid sometimes even grown ups are silly and play sometimes.
Then i showed her age in comparison to other people she knows (kids and adults) which helped a lot and then after that everytime she pitched a fit i knew what to do i just riminded her that she is a kid and she should have fun being a kid for now and now she only gets angry sometimes and gets over it much much faster then before

It seems to me she was working through something in her own mind and has worked it out now..