Thanks, ColinsMum. To answer your question about knock-on effects, yes, the pullout is an entree to math tracking in the middle school. Math seems to be the only subject in which they do such overt differentiation at that school. Doing the pullout in 5th grade seems to be a gold ticket for 8th (or maybe its 9th, not sure) grade math in 6th grade, if that makes any sense. This is where our kids would have to be placed to join their mathy peers as they all start middle school. Our elementary principal has committed to getting us into that math class for 6th grade through the back door (since we won't have the pull out) next year if we choose, and the teacher has committed to providing (in 5th) the math preparation for a smooth transition despite no pull out. A compromise for both of them.

And to add to the mix, dd (the one who tests so well), claims no interest in math, although she readily engages in happy mathy discussions at the dinner table. So we want to honor that a bit, by not pushing competitions or other extracurriculars that are explicit about math. We rather try to show her when the occasion arises how math fits in with some of her other interests....