DD7 found her goldfish floating belly up this evening. I know a fish does not sound like a 'real' pet, but she had it for 2 years and is just so upset about it. She cried for a long time and kept going through everything she could have done wrong to have caused it to die. She varies between feeling guilty and sobbing hysterically because she loved the fish so much.

I remember when we lost a dog just before her third birthday. She only said about 10 words at the time, but she understood what happened and she mourned that dog for months. She still talks about how much she loved and misses her.

I wish there was something I could do to help her feel better.
I know this is part of life, but it hard to watch how upset she is. She feels things so much more strongly than any other kid I have ever met and she has a strong affection for her animals. I swear she communicates on another level with her dog. It is almost eerie.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery