Greetings. This discussion about IB appeared in my Google alerts so I thought I would drop in and add my two cents. I am the administrator of the website Truth About IB. Those who favor IB, or teach IB, will inevitably seek to call me all kinds of names, and that's ok. I've been called every name in the book by those enamored with IB. It's old hat by now.

Imho, IB is the biggest educational scam being perpetrated on the planet. IBO is an NGO of UNESCO. This money-making "non-profit" has a very "Progressive" agenda woven into the frameworks of its "programmes". Now, if you are a proponent of the New World Order, hate the U.S. and Israel and think redistribution of wealth is a great idea, then IB is for you.

If however, you want your child to learn facts, (something IBO detests) and earn college-credit in college-level courses without political indoctrination, then AP or A-Levels are the superior choice.

IB eliminates choice. At the PYP level, IBO mandates schoolwide implementation. If there was a G & T section, expect it to disappear. At the MYP level, advanced tracks/Honors courses will disappear. At the DP level, especially if it is a smaller HS, AP and Honors courses will disappear. Only in the largest HSs where there is a significant population of advanced students can a district afford to run both AP and IB.

IB is college-preparatory, not college-level like AP. Also, many IB HSs for some unexplained reason tend to run IB SL courses for two years. IB SL courses are 150 hours and are not recognized for college-credit by most U.S. universities.