Finally met with the district math specialist after much foot dragging by school. We knew they had, at the last minute, given our DS some assessments, but we hadn't been told exactly what was happening.

The result is that I am truly shocked. He did very well on both the 3rd and 4th grade end of year materials. The specialist thinks he needs at least a two year subject acceleration and will work to make it happen! She conceded that he might know more (which quite frankly even I have a hard time believing) but that 2 years made the most sense right now (and we fully agree, we can always adjust in the future, but I can't imagine sending my little guy off to Jr. High). I honestly thought I would burst into tears. After 9 months of calling and emailing and gathering data, and pushing and being nice when I wanted to scream, we finally met a person who gets our son, and even better she is a decision maker. It is time for a happy dance. Even better, I can make sure my son continues to love math.

None of this is a done deal - other people have to sign off on it, but both the specialist and the principal are on board, so it looks promising.

Thanks to all of you for the information and support - there is no way I would have known how to make this happen (or even been confident there was a need to make it happen) if it wasn't for this board.

Hugs, Cat

Last edited by Catalana; 06/16/10 05:57 PM.