I have a few questions about achievement testing. My DS 6 is entering first grade in September. We recently moved back to the US after living two years in Sydney. DS began Kindergarten in AU knowing only letters. His teacher advised us as school was ending that she did some informal testing in class and his reading is at a 3rd grade level (AU), however she did not supply anything in writing. I would like to apply for DYS, his WPPSI scores should be fine and we keep a portfolio, but no actual achievement testing. I know of psychologists in our area who can do testing but the price is fairly high, and we are not in position to pay for it at this time. DS seems to be reading above grade level, but I'm not sure he is advanced enough to be considered for DYS. Are there any informal tests that I can do on our own to verify he is qualified, before laying out the $$ for professionally administered testing? On another note, his portfolio is not academic. It consists of hand drawn mazes, video of him playing guitar, pottery, artwork and science experiments he thought up on his own (he made a submarine out of a 2 litre bottle and coke cans and a mythbusters inspired boat out of construction paper, sponges and duct tape). Is a "non academic" portfolio acceptable? Thanks for any suggestions!

Last edited by venture; 06/13/10 11:17 AM.