We did the same thing with a "Learning Center" that was around the corner from us...the had just opened and were offering a free assessment to show grade level in Reading and Math. So we signed up thinking maybe it could give us a clue as to what level DS5 (at the time)was on. The assessment took about 30 minutes and when they came out they showed how he had already mastered the Kindergarten level skills and how to enrich at that level - he was supposed to be going into K that Fall(which was frustrating because I told them I knew he had already mastered K level and that I wanted to see what level he truly was at before the assessment began)....I also questioned why they didn't go higher when they saw that he had passed all the skills for K...so they took him back the next day and they showed him at a 3rd grade level Math and a 4th grade level in Reading...then the pitch began about what they could do - it was all workbook based - very little manipulatives - the tutor would give a short lesson and then the student was expected to sit and complete workbook assignments to practice what was taught....SO not what my son is into - so we opted out