A while back, I bought, oh, I dunno... ~ 50 books at a huge book sale. One of them was a $.50 2nd grade text. A couple of weeks ago, dd3 saw it and asked me to start reading it to her. Ok. So now, it's two weeks later, we're 2/3rds of the way through a 200+ page book and I'm thinking, this is a little ridiculous. (Btw, she can read a bit, but not at this level or this amount; I'm doing the reading -- as much as she wants or occassionally less.)

So, my question is where do we go from here? We're in a similar situation with science, but I figure, okay, we'll tackle gardening, astronomy, rocks, engineering, etc... Lots of nice rabbit holes to explore. I'm not quite sure what to do with social studies/geography/history, though. I don't think she'd sit through the History of the World type stuff -- she's understandably very visual. If this second-grade book was 70 pages long instead of 200, she wouldn't sit through it if it had the same content. And yes, we go to the library and pick up stuff of interest (George Washington is her current favorite), but I'm starting to feel schizophrenic doing that. And I don't know if *I* could sit through one of those "spine" type curriculums that lists a hundred resources you have to track down, half of which would turn out to be inappropriate for her anyway.

So... can anyone suggest some visually appealing, fairly long book/series that will keep her happily simmering? One thing I've thought about is reading about the states that she has some personal connection to, but that will last a week or two at best. Would History Pockets be appropriate/useful? What else?

PS -- My motivation for doing this is a) because she clearly digs history and social studies, b) she's insatiable, and c) to attempt some sort of well-roundedness. We do a ton of fiction reading, science and art; a bit of math; and a smigeon of music and Spanish. And, of course, she plays, does physical stuff (right now, it's swimming), helps around the house, has quiet time, watches tv, etc. (I'm sure many of you know the feeling: my kid is hot-housing me.)

Last edited by Clay; 06/10/10 02:27 PM.