I agree that you need her to start picturing things in her head as you read them to her. That is why it is hard for DD5 to keep reading chapter books. The adjustment to getting the picture in her head as she reads. There is a disconnect right now between the literal and the VS.

I must picture everything I hear or I don't know what I heard or read. But I have it down to "shorthand" pictures. But when I pull up that file I can remember everything, like a movie picture of details. It must have been a skill I naturally adapted. And since we are on top of everything our child does, they don't have the space to adapt their giftedness as they must, as we obviously did. I see the same tendencies in my child. So I don't worry, why isn't she reading to her level. Because she is VS and needs to adapt her skills of comprehension to her reading ability. Just the natural obstacles of VS but also what makes it such a great gift as they get older. The ability for them to understand and get the "full picture". But I do not think it just comes, it appears something that must be developed themselves. How they adapt. My guess. Which is probably not worth a cup of coffee -- at Dunkin, not Starbucks.
