It is unfortunate but true that he will have to learn at some point to do at least some work that he's not thrilled with. That's one downside of school, but it carries through to adult life too. I agree that teaching responsibility is important, and it might be a boon that this problem came up so early. I also think that the school / teacher may not be doing the best job of teaching responsibility.

Maybe one way to leave him free to also learn on his own would be to discuss it with him, and have him promise to set aside enough time to do his homework, which he can do at any time he pleases. Then, if he doesn't do it, you can progress to scheduling time for him to do homework, again at times he chooses. After that, go to a parent-imposed schedule with healthy blocks of self-directed time.

Last edited by Iucounu; 06/09/10 06:20 AM.

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