My DD, just turned 4, went to OT for minor vestibular and proprioreceptive issues for a couple months. She hasn't been diagnosed with anything official. They primarily worked on her balance and gross motor coordination: climbing, walking on stepping stones, jumping into a ball pit etc. Prior to going, she just seemed more unsure of herself balancing on things or climbing things at the park so I think it helped with those very basic skills. Did she need OT for that? Maybe not, but it has been great to see how much more confident she is at the park.

As I have shared in other posts, she still has what appears to me to be sensory seeking tendancies, being set on HIGH almost all the time, and emotional sensitivity and I still wonder if any of that could be sensory in a way that would be helped by OT. This particular OT feels she is done with treatment, and that she only needed it for gross motor things (her fine motor is advanced) but we never really addressed this part of her behavior.

I have had two "experts" observe or assess her and neither thinks she has ADHD because she follows directions, can stay on task, and can sit for stories, and art projects and focus. She just gets way more excited about things than any other kid I have met. Maybe it is just being a gifted preschooler, but I do wonder if OT could help with energy and emotional regulation.