Hi all.

DS6 has always been very sensitive to light. As a baby he would cry when I'd take him out on a sunny day. He has a very hard time looking at a camera when we take pictures because the flash bothers him. Flourescent lights make his eyes water. He has to wear sunglasses a lot, including at the dentist when they shine the light on him while cleaning his teeth. The other day at his end-of-year concert his eyes started to water when, he says, all the parents were taking pictures of their kids and their cameras were flashing.

I've read about sensory sensitivities in gifted children and particularly in visual-spatial children, but I usually just hear about kids who are particularly sensitive to sound or tactile stimuli (e.g., tags, scratchy fabrics). I'm just curious if any of your kids have visual sensitivies as well?

She thought she could, so she did.