Originally Posted by Ellipses
My daughter is left-handed and ambidextrous. I found this study (read the bottom for specifics) and it says that almost 50% of profoundly gifted are ambi.


"48.9% were ambidextrous at some period of their development."

I don't know if I would agree with this since it has been proven that all children go through a phase of ambidextrous during infancy and early toddler years but chances are parents aren't paying that much attention to it. I wish I had the article and I will definitely look for it and if I can locate it, post it here. But what I remember from the article is that there is a specific brain development that is linked to the preference of left or right hand usage and as infants go through major milestones such as rolling over, sitting up, crawling (if they do this part) and walking; their preference for hand switches. IE. If they are grabbing everything with their right hand and then master sitting up they should switch for a little while to their left hand. When DD was a baby I watched for these changes during her major milestones and she did just as they described. Found it very interesting, but I already knew about the information from the article and was watching for it, but most parents would not be paying that much attention to it.