I am very frustrated about the behavioral regression I see at times in my daughter. She is so sensitive to the group dynamic that her behavior can regress a good years worth and it takes forever to get her back on track at times.

If you put her in a group of older children and/or adults...she rises to the occasion beautifully and is so mature, polite, etc. However depending on the behavior of children her own age, her behavior can regress to such a degree that she's acting like a 2 yr. old.

I need to teach her to have some sort of inner locust of control; to not allow other children's behavior to impact her in such a way that it gets her into trouble. It's truly astounding...to me anyway.

Developmentally it isn't abnormal for a 4 yr. old to mimic the negative behaviors of other kids...however it just seems to be at a higher level of dysfunction. Perhaps I'm being to analytical about it or just plain too intolerant...either way I'm looking for some advice as to how to handle this situation.

Thanks so much!