I heard it is called Irlen Syndrome. Under stress people say it often is worse. The eye doctor I talked to said,fish oil tablets,no corn syrup products, good multi-vitiamin with minerals,yougart,and a pro-biotic would help. He susgested I look up leaky gut syndrome. I did. Also read a bio-phycology book about nuro-transmissions (chemical messangers) are nutrients in are food we need to have our eyes and brain work correctly. A book called BREAKING THE METABOLIC CODE explained about leaky gut syndrome. I was told the Health Care Authority doesn't recognize eye exercises as a therapy and won't pay for the service. Tinted over lays are effective. The lighting in schools effects vision processing for some children. Natural light by setting the child close to windows is what I read about. Putting a marker under each line as it is read helps.All the natural things mentioned helped. Have you talked to parents who say this eye exercise therapy worked for their child? It was very expensive to do. I would like to hear from parents who found it worked. Flower it would possibly be Dyslexia testing you would want to determine LD.