My DS11 has scores a bit like that. Story recall was at GE13+ and when he reads longer passages and books he has excellent recall and makes sophisticated connections between concepts and remembers details that I don't even notice. In reading comprehension he always scores several grade levels up. However, he reads much better to himself than aloud (not particularly uncommon) and has more difficulty with comprehending shorter passages. When reading aloud he often skips or misreads the little words like "the," "not," "when," "then," etc. while still being able to read much more difficult words. He can memorize spelling lists but is not a good speller otherwise. He's not a great writer either, but if you ask him what he's thinking he has complex, sophisticated ideas. He has a huge vocabulary but doesn't always use it on his own to express himself. Personally, I've always kinda thought he is stealth dyslexic, but we have nothing to prove it other than anecdotal evidence.

Hopefully someone with testing expertise will jump in here to help you specifically with your DS's scores! Glad you delurked!

She thought she could, so she did.