Thanks again, Dottie. Could the school diagnostician just have decided to not give her some tests thinking she didn't need that much info for her purposes? Or is it normal not to get these scores at that age?

Anyway, I am very proud of her accomplishments and how well she did. I just feel like I need every bit of leverage showing more than "optimally/typically gifted" to get her what she needs academically in this particular school. All year they've said "we have lots of gifted kids" and she needs to deal with being bored etc. They did take her (and only her) to the 1st grade gifted pullout for math. The GT coordinator said GD was the 1st to get the answer (some 2nd gr. math concept thing) and was ready to move on to something else & didn't want to wait for the other kids & the GT Coord. to explain to them. I can't imagine how she'll react then even in next year's 1st grade beginning of year pullouts.

Anyway, thanks again. If I ask for raw scores, would there be enough subtests/composites to figure GE's anyway?