Working memory wasn't as impressive as the verbal and PRI scores. Her PRI overall was 130, real similar to your friends. Her reading on achievement is <99.9% on comprehension and basic reading skills. I'd be curious to hear how your friends son has done, with similar attributes. It would be tricky as well with the dsylexia certainly! Interesting to me how you can have 14's, 16's, a 19, and still 10's in the numbers. Very interesting. Well, not unlike my daughter. She's pretty interesting. I do think though, that she may have tested higher had it not been so far into school. I don't know if this makes sense, but she seemed more "mainstream intelligent" before she went to preschool. A couple of years in the system and she is a little different that way. Call it maturity, or whatever. I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if she would've tested better before Kindergarten gave her such a bad taste for school and learning in general.