I wish you and your family were not having to go through this, and everyone here, I believe, is thinking positive thoughts for you.

I, too, have no experience with this situation other than my father has a chronic disease (MS). I was just wondering if, if your condition has been going on for quite a while, your DD may just think this is the way things are and she may not really grasp that a turning point has occurred? Perhaps she is aware that you are not well, but that is "normal" to her at this point and, while she sees that you now require oxygen and a heart monitor, this is not obviously unusual for her. She is 12 and she is very smart, but she may not have the experience and context to understand the progression of your condition. I can't pretend to know what to say, but I do like what mon said about focusing on facts.

I wish you and your family all the best. We are praying for you. We would all do well to take in every moment with those we love.

Last edited by mnmom23; 05/21/10 11:06 AM.

She thought she could, so she did.