Hi Everyone! I am new to this forum and still finding my way around. Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong spot. I am very new to raising gifted children. I have a dd who just turned 7 that was tested and found gifted this past year. She is doing just fine but I struggle to find books age appropriate for her due to her reading and comprehension skills being at a 5th grade level.

My main concern however, is for our son. He will 5 very soon and we are struggling with his emotional roller coaster. He will not be tested for awhile thanks to our school district, not to mention he is so young, but I will be spending the summer home with both of them. He is showing signs of possibly being gifted and we plan on working hard this summer on gracious knows what since he is beyond ready for Kindergarten. My question for all of you is whether or not any of you have suggestions as far as the emotions go.
My dh and I both believe in well behaved children and avoid encouraging bad behavior while praising the good. When ds cries for no obvious reason, I don't know if he is doing it for attention or if there is an underlying issue he just can't figure out how to make us understand. He is very verbal and happy go lucky but it kills me when he gets so upset with himself about small mistakes and starts to cry about it. He knows I am not upset when he colors outside the lines for example. He seems to cry because he is really upset with himself.

Any books or links you can suggest would be greatly appreciated! Like I said, we are new to all of this and want to be as supportive as we can without hindering them by allowing behaviors that are strictly to gain attention in a bad way. That will just make it harder on him when he starts school next fall. We want to understand so we can help them understand how to manage emotions according to time and place. They both know we are very proud of them and how much we love them. We are just afraid of making a mistake by not recognizing why he's so emotional. Thanks!