I have two kids who meet the testing minimums for DYS and I just want to chime in and say that I have similar questions, but have been hesitant to ask for fear of sounding negative.

I'm pretty good at researching stuff, what specifically does DYS do that I can't do for myself? Wouldn't many schools tend to view their involvement as butting in? I would imagine most schools have not heard of DYS. Is DYS more geared towards parents who have not had good educational opportunities themselves (and might have more difficulty evaluating choices), or perhaps need financial aid for testing or enrichment?

And, most importantly, does anyone have any privacy concerns? I admit, I have an active imagination and tendency towards paranoia, but do I want my kids in some database for brilliant children? Anybody read a thriller novel called Gray Matter (joke, sort of)?

I apologize for sounding negative about an organization that is obviously viewed very favorably by most here, but other than putting me in touch with other people what exactly do they offer that I can't do myself? Please realize that I understand they could be very valuable for someone who does not have the time or inclination to research things. I am asking if they offer annything to a family with a parent who is a pretty meticulous researcher already. Are they good at influencing schools? For instance, if we had an abrupt mid-year move is it possible they would be helpful in convincing a new school district to place my kids in a sought after gifted program immediately?

I would like to mention that I think this discussion forum is a terrific resource and I am thankful to DYS for their sponsorship of it.


P.S. I originally wrote this before the two replies above were posted. This information is very helpful.

Last edited by JaneSmith; 05/14/10 09:26 AM.