Hi Jill,
My first thought is to do a quick check and see if the homeschool material is advanced enough for dd. PG kids are famous for making breathtaking leaps forward in their development so what worked last week may to "way below level" this week.

The other thought I had, and this is a long shot, is that you don't want to have a hot ****on (being irritated at her speech patterns) hanging out were a PG kid can see it. Here's how I conceptualize it: PG kids (and perhaps all kids) want their parents to be perfect, and if they see a blemish on your body or your character, they tend to pick at it until you notice it, in hopes that you'll handle it. Do you have a "mommy mentor" that you can vent to about it? If so, see if you can get to the point where you take delight in your daughter's ability to mimic her surrondings - this will be a big asset in learning a world language and handling the world in general. After you've dismantled the part that irritates you, you can go after assisting her where she needs it.
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