Last night at bedtime at bedtime my 5yr old DD said "Mommy im scared of dying" so i told her that she probably wont die till she is old and that when she dies she will go to Heaven and then while i was talking she said "I dont want to talk about this anymore" and i said "Well did I help any?" she said "No actualy you made it worse" so i asked her if she would like to talk to her father about it and she said "Yes" so i sent him in and he spoke with her then asked if he made her feel any better and she said "a tiny bit" then she went to bed

Now its morning and i tryed to ask her about it (asking her why/what made her think of that?/if she has been thinking about it for a while?) and she just says "I dont wanna talk about it." or "dont talk about that." i finaly got her to answer and tell me that yes its been on her mind for a while but she wont tell me why and she seems to still be upset about it i really just wish i knew how to make her feel better but she seems to be really thinking about it and not just asking in passing...

Anyways what do you guys think? should i just leave her alone about it and not worry about it? Did your child do this? What did you do?