Even if what you are saying about the undesirability of preparing young children for (what are effectively IQ) tests is true, in a free country you cannot ban such preparation. I bet there already lots of expensive private preschools in NYC that have shaped their activities to prepare kids for the gifted entrance exam. Are you going to close them?

Searching "private schools" on Amazon I found on the 1st page
an upcoming book

Testing for Kindergarten: Simple Strategies to Help Your Child Ace the Tests for: Public School Placement, Private School Admissions, Gifted Program Qualification by Karen Quinn (Paperback - July 6, 2010)

Do you think this book should be banned?

I think there needs to be a broad effort to explain that placing a child in a gifted program does not MAKE him/her gifted. We don't know how to create innate ability, unfortunately. Realism about The Bell Curve would make make people saner IMO.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell