I'll take a stab, but please (anybody or everybody) correct me if I'm wrong.

As Dazey said, there are several talent searches in the US that are divided up (approximately) regionally. The Northeast has Johns Hopkins/CTY, and C-MITES (in Pennsylvania), the Southeast has DukeTIP, the midwest has Northwestern's program NUMATS, etc. You're in Washington, right? From what I can tell, your talent search may be Johns Hopkins - that's where I may be wrong. I used to have access to a map that showed the areas, but I can't find it right at the moment.

Your talent search may administer Explore, but some talent searches don't offer it. I believe JHU/CTY does not, but NUMATS and DukeTIP do. So, I guess the question is, if you really wanted to, could you register with NUMATS and have your child take Explore even if you lived in Washington? I guess you could ask NUMATS or the Rocky Mountain area talent search - I think its called Center for Bright Kids/WATS. I don't think DukeTip allows anyone outside the 16-state region to register for talent search tests, but maybe other talent searches do.

Anybody else want to bail me out? blush