How do you know if your child is "bright" or "gifted" ?? If your child does well in school, has no behavior problems, doesn't complain of being bored - could he/she still be gifted ? I am SO comfused about my son. He is incredibly well behaved at school - the teachers have nothing but good to say about him. He is 6 (turns 7 in June), and in 1st grade. His teacher is in the process of testing his reading level - he aced 4th grade level reading and comprehension. Today he read 5th grade level with 99% accuracy, so she's going to also test his comprehension at this level. He already goes to 2nd grade for math (which he says is easy), and attends gifted enrichment classes weekly, even though he hasn't yet been tested. He just doesn't sound like many other kids I read about - he wasn't an early reader - knew simple words before K, where he really took off in his reading. He has always loved numbers - could count to 100 before K - can do alot of math in his head - knows multiplication, division, fractions etc. He just doesn't sound like a "normal" gifted kid LOL