Hello Everyone,

I don't know if anyone else saw the program on PBS Independent Lens called "Between the Folds", but it was just mind-blowingly spectacular. DS9 and I sat completely glued to it!! It highlights the artistic aspects of origami, as well as the mathematical and scientific aspects of it. It even gives real world contributions of origami, such as how the folding of air bags affects their deployment or how the protein folding in cells contributes to aging.

It also highlights a professor at MIT, Erik Demaine. (44 minutes into the show) You can just see the light and joy of learning in his eyes when he finds an interesting problem to solve. I really wish he would write a biography or even a children's book of origami or mathematical games for gifted kids. He is such an inspiration, not for the fact that he is a successful professor at MIT, but more for his love of learning and the creative way his mind works. He was homeschooled as a child by his father who was a single parent. And he went to college at the age of 12. I felt like my son watched Eric Demaine on this show and realized that he was not so alone in the world. DS9 may be completely different from all of the other kids at his school, but here was another person who seemed to think in 3-D shapes and mathematical pictures. This show really brightened DS9's day and inspired him. Considering the fact that this kid hasn't been inspired by learning in months, I am profoundly grateful. Thank you PBS! I hope others enjoy this hour long documentary as well.

Here is a link to the show. Hopefully this link work or just google 'Between the Folds"
Between the Folds| Independent Lens | PBS Video

Mom to DS12 and DD3