Originally Posted by Berteau
Does anyone know any good reasons not to go along with a skip if the scale says a skip would be ok, or would that be pretty persuasive to you?

Hi Berteau - Welcome!
Great suggestions you've gotten...I would add that with your daughter's scores (if they are even near Davidson YSP levels a single skips is expected to be needed), and attitude (which is very wonderful BTW, I mean, wouldn't it be sad if she wasn't a little sad about missing her friends?) and the IASM I would find that pretty persuasive.

A few things to consider:
1) The teacher must have wanted a skip for some reason. What were the teacher's reasons?
2) Most females are wonderful at blending in, and if they have educational needs that aren't being met, many are great at hiding it.
3) If you feel she has a shot at competitive sports being a meaningful part of her life, a skip might work against that.
4) If you feel that academic competitions might be a meaningful part of her life, a skip might work against that.
5) If you feel that a merrit-based scholarship might be her only way to go to college, a skip might make her look less outstanding than her peers - that's part of the appeal of the skip! OTOH, a skip might be nescessary to help her 'learn how to learn' and keep her interested in academics and make her a better applicant for college.
6) If she is having fun where she is at school, and super involved in self-directed learning outside of school, this may cut into her learning time with work that requires more time but not more intellectual challenge.
7) If the alternative is a school that would allow her to work at her true readiness level amoung same aged kids - take the alternative. Gradeskip is usually 2nd best to that.

That's the whole nutshell! My son skipped 6th grade, and it was very clearly 'nescessary' but not without some drawbacks. I would strongly urge you to make a 'full' skip, including the social time, so that she gets a chance to bond with her new grade. I would also caution you to 'get ready' for more subject accelerations over the next few year, if they appear to be needed - a single skip is a great way to get the ball rolling for getting a school to fit a child, but for a kid with scores in the DYS level, it is rarely truly 'enough.'

Best Wishes,

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